Prairie Cancer Consortium

Group of smiling researchers gathered around microscope bench

The overall vision of the Prairie Cancer Consortium (PR2C) is to create a collaborative, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable multiprovincial initiative that works towards developing new treatment strategies for patients facing cancer by enabling precision cancer medicine research and accelerating its implementation into practice.

Officially designated as a part of the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network in December 2021, the PR2C brings together researchers and clinicians at the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute, the University of Calgary, the Cancer Research Institute of Northern Alberta, the University of Alberta, Alberta Health Services (Cancer Care Alberta; Cross Cancer Institute and Tom Baker Cancer Centre), the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, University of Saskatchewan, Cancer Care Manitoba, and the University of Manitoba.

Goals and Objectives

Building on the unique expertise and infrastructure that already exists in the region, PR2C members will work towards three major goals:

  1. To accelerate the real-world application of precision oncology for cancer patients, including patients in rural and remote parts of the Prairies who may not have been eligible for clinical trials in the past;
  2. To strengthen the alignment between academic centres and health systems, supporting research that answers important clinical questions, now and in the future; and
  3. To train and educate the next generation of clinicians and scientists in precision oncology.